East Bay English - 木更津市 - ブログ記事【エブリタウン】

East Bay English

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East Bay Englishのブログ記事

Man About the House 4
2013 10/17 01:49
A good bachelor will wash his clothes first thing in the morning.  After removing stains he will most likely wash with eco-friendly detergent. Most of the morning will b...
Things To Do In Tokyo
2013 10/08 12:59
For a long time I have considered myself starved of Tokyo life. I often check the Time Out Tokyo website to see what is going on but in the end I don't go. In fact j...
2013 10/08 12:49
As I am well into my 30's I have found it more and more difficult to keep slim. Finding time to exercise has become difficult I usually say. But, truth be told, I ha...
Robin Williams and Iran
2013 09/29 01:26
I should be in bed. Will meet a friend for coffee along with my wife I think. At the same time another friend insists that I join for some soccer. I'm worried about ...
Another Day
2013 09/20 11:46
What a sad title. "another day" is what English speaking people say when they get up and don't like the look of what they have to do in the day. In my case...
Small Business is the Key to Vibrancy
2013 09/20 11:40
Perhaps I want to serve and inditement on big business. I wonder why business rental prices are so high for a junky looking office when the rental price of a considerabl...
Free and Cheap
2013 09/17 23:50
Some students in one of my classes tell me that Kimitsu has some of the greatest services in Japan for elderly people. Hospitals,  Elderly people's residences, healt...
Lonely Japan Blog
2013 09/17 01:37
I wonder why anyone would want to read this blog. This Lonely Japan Blog. This Lonely Kisarazu Blog. I don't read blogs. Are you kiddin' me? What a waste of time...
2013 09/17 01:20
I wish I could understand this town, Kisarazu. I have to be patient to run a business and learn Japanese but one day I hope to understand why houses are built so close t...
2013 09/17 00:13
Updated this page today. My wife helped me translate some parts into Japanese.  Still it's not perfect. A little professional input would help.My schedule looks bare...
会社名 East Bay English
読み方 イーストベイイングリッシュ
住所 千葉県木更津市八幡台5-8-1
電話番号 0438-72-0815 (0438720815)
カテゴリ スクール-英語 英会話 音楽
ブログ http://www.eastbayenglish.org...
Twitter https://twitter.com/vjpeople



スクール-英語 英会話 音楽
